Thursday, May 6, 2010

Good Morning

susu favourite aku..
aku stop minum susu sejak dec hr tu sbb cam bila minum je aku start gatal n naik ruam.

aku secara tidak sengaja jumpa susu ni..
satu mlm masa singgah kat 7E
sbb aku cam restless sejak akhir2 nih aku tak cukup tido...
asyik terkejut tgh mlm.. mimpi bukan2..

bila susu ni tulis RELAX
Magnolia Good Night Milk with Lactium®, chamomile and honey - all natural relaxing properties to help put your mind and body at ease.

terus aku beli.. harga kat 7E RM2.90

trus jatuh chenta kat susu ni..
tp pic ni good morning je..
yg good night tak snap..

Magnolia Good Morning Milk combines nutritious and delicious oats and malt, and vitamins B3 and B2 – an energy packed solution for people who are constantly on-the-go!

ha.. kau.. dah jadi promoter Magnolia plak aku ni..
aku carik byk tempat tak jumpa..
mlm td jumpa kat tesco Selayang... maka borong tuk seminggu..

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